Annual Contest Rules

National Federation of State Poetry Societies, Inc.

Originated in Baton Rouge, LA, October 17, 1959


NFSPS, Inc. is a nonprofit organization exclusively educational and literary. Its purpose is to recognize the

importance of poetry with respect to national cultural heritage. It is dedicated solely to the furtherance of

poetry on the national level and serves to unite poets in the bonds of fellowship and understanding.


Honorary Chancellors  (past 30, in order of appointment)

 Loring Williams

 Harry M. Meacham

 John Williams Andrews

 August Derleth

 William Stafford

 N. Scott Momaday

 Richard Amour

 Richard Eberhart

 James Dickey

 Judson Jerome

  John Ciardi

  Robert Coles

  Richard Shelton

  Marcia Lee Masters

  Robert Penn Warren

  Richard Wilbur

  William Stafford

  Rodney Jones

  Tess Gallagher

  Michael Bugeja

 David Wagoner

 Maxine Kumin

 Naomi Shihab Nye

 Li-Young Lee

 Lewis Turco

 Ted Kooser

 Natasha Trethaway

 Peter Meinke

 Jo McDougal

 David Rothman
Lance Larsen


(Read carefully. Any violation will disqualify entry.)


1. Any poem submitted must:

    a. Be the original work of the contestant, and unpublished

        in any form, including digitally or placed on exhibition

        elsewhere. Award will be recalled if a winning poem

        is found to be in violation of rules before publication in

        the NFSPS anthology of prize poems, and lower prizes

        and honorable mentions will move up in classification.

    b. Be written in English be titled, unless poem is a form

        that is traditionally untitled (e.g. haiku, lune, etc.).

    c. Have a 40 line limit for all contests not stating line

        limit. Line limit includes every line, both printed and

        blank. A  one line title and its following space is not

        counted in line limit. Specific forms (rondeau, sonnet,

        villanelle, etc.) should follow required format spacing

        and line limits.

    d. Be typed, photocopied or computer generated (not

        hand-written or hand-printed) and without illustration.


2. Poets give NFSPS exclusive first printing rights to all

    poems entered in the NFSPS annual contests. Poems

    winning cash prizes will be printed in Encore, the

    NFSPS anthology, and at the discretion of the Editor.

    Editor reserves the right to alter line breaks in poems

    having more than 50 characters per line, including

    punctuation marks and spaces. Printing rights revert

    to the poet after the anthology is published (approx.

    August of 2025). All prize winners will be notified, and

    others may obtain a list of winners in August 2025 by

    sending $2 and a #10 SASE to:


   Julie Cummings, Strophes Editor

   9428 Fallen Rock Road, 

   Conifer, CO 80433-4007


    Submitted poems are not returned, poets should retain



3. An eligible poem may not be withdrawn after

    submission. No simultaneous submissions.


4. Except as indicated in the NFSPS Founders Award

    (Cat. 1), contestants may submit only one entry in any

    contest, and may not submit the same poem in more

    than one contest.


5. Enclosed check or money order must be made payable

    to NFSPS, Inc (initials are sufficient) and not to an


    a. Non-members may enter most contests at $1 each

        (except $10 for each entry in the NFSPS Founders

        Award). Non-members may not enter contests

        marked with an asterisk (*) and which are

        designated members only.

    b. Members may enter up to 10 contests for $1 per

        poem or $10 total for entry in more than 10

        contests (except the NFSPS Founders Award

        which is $5 per poem).

    c. Entrants from outside the U.S. must send checks

        drawn on U.S. banks or branches, payable in U.S.

        funds, or send U.S. currency.


  6. First prize winner in the NFSPS Founders Award

      (Cat. #1) is not eligible to enter that category the

      following year.


  7. Judges will be selected by NFSPS, Inc. No ties will

      be awarded. Decisions of the judges will be final.


  8. When to submit:


      a. Start date - Entries must not be postmarked prior

          to January 1.
      b. Deadline - Entries must be postmarked no later

          than March 15.


  9. Individuals are "Members Only" eligible if a paid-up

      member of an NFSPS state society and listed in that

      society's membership roll. State societies must remit

      their annual dues by January 15, and update

      their membership information as required by March

      15. Dues and membership list must be sent to:


            Linda Harris, NFSPS Treasurer

            49512 SE Weber Road, Sandy, OR 97055-7425

               Updated info may be sent via email:


10. How to submit poems via US Postal Service:


      a. Send two copies of the poem on 8.5 X 11 white paper

          (no onion skin or tissue) in black ink, single-spaced.

          If poem requires more than one page, staple together

          at the top left corner all pages of each copy.
      b. On both copies, place number and name of contest

          in upper left corner.

      c. On second copy only, put name, address, phone

          number, email address (if available), and state

          poetry society membership (or "non-member of

          NFSPS") in upper right corner. If a poem requires

          more than one page, also number pages on upper

          right corner of both copies.

      d. Separate originals from duplicates. Stack in numerical

          order (1-50) with original on top. Count them.

      e. Include an 8.5X11 cover sheet with poet's name,

          address, phone number, email (if available), and state

          poetry society membership (or "non-member of

          NFSPS"). List category numbers and poem titles for

          each contest you are entering. List total number of

          poems sent. Do not staple to entries or to entry fee.

       f. Mail all entries at one time, unfolded, in a large

          envelope, include the cover sheet and entry fee.

          Mail to the Contest Chair by First Class, Priority

          Mail, or any form of delivery that does NOT require

          a signature upon receipt. Mail entries to:


            202 NFSPS Contest Chair to be announced



          NFSPS, Inc. will not assume mailing costs and

          will not be responsible for any entries lost or

          delayed in the mail.


    11. You may also enter via Please

          read and follow the rules on Submittable as they

          are slightly different. Through Submittable there

          are two separate entry fee transactions: one for

          Category #1 and one for Categories #2 through

          #50. If entering Category #1 plus any other

          Category, there will be two payment forms, pay

          attention to your payment details. Failure to remit

          entry fees timely (by March 15) will result

          in a disqualified submission.


NFSPS Contest Rules

2025 Contest Chair:



NFSPS, Inc. is a non-profit organization, exclusively educational and literary.  Its purpose is to recognize the importance of poetry with respect to national cultural heritage.  It is dedicated solely to the furtherance of poetry on the national level and serves to unite poets in the bonds of fellowship and understanding.